Monday, April 24, 2023

Blog post #9 disinformation, misinformation, And malinformation

 For my EOTO I researched the terms Disinformation, Misinformation, and mal-information. what I learned is that the definitions of these terms are similar the definition for Misinformation is false or inaccurate information. The definition for mal-information is information that is true and factual but it is intentionally conveyed in order to inflict harm or to cause the imminent threat of harm. The definition for disinformation is false information that is intended to mislead (especially propaganda issued by a government organization to a rival power or  the media) and cause harm. disinformation is often motivated by the desire to make money, have greater political influence, or sow chaos just to sow chaos. a graph from Iona university

 shows and tells that disinformation can be both misinformation if the information is proved wrong and disinformation can become mal-information with enough social media virality, shifting the initial narrative.   

disinformation is often motivated by the desire to make money, have greater political influence, or to sow chaos. the American Psychological association says Disinformation, misinformation, and mal-information affect our ability to improve public health, address climate change, maintain a stable democracy, and other things.

there are many types of  Disinformation, misinformation and mal-information i learned of them all from a factsheet. The regular types are fabricated content, manipulated content, imposter content, misleading content, false content, satire and parody, false connection, sponsored content, propaganda, and error. Fabricated content is completely false content. Manipulated content is genuine information or imagery that has been distorted such as Sensational headline or populist ‘clickbait’. Imposter content is the impersonation of genuine sources for example Using the branding of an established agency. Misleading content is misleading information like Comments presented as fact. False context is factually accurate content combined with false contextual information for example when the headline of an article does not reflect the content. 

Satire and parody is humorous but false stories passed off as true with no intention to harm, some people may be fooled. False connection is when headlines, visuals, or caption do not support the content. Sponsored content is Advertising or PR disguised as editorial content. Propaganda is content used to manage attitudes, values and knowledge. An Error is a mistake made. 

There are AI required types of disinformation misinformation and mal-information those are Deep fakes and Speech synthesis. 

Deep fakes are a person in an existing image or video is replaced with someone else’s likeness. Deep fake Use powerful techniques from machine learning and AI to manipulate or generate visual and audio content with a High potential to deceive. 

Speech synthesis is synthetic media that can artificially produce human speech . A computer used for Speech synthesis is called a speech computer or speech synthesizer. Synthesized speech contains pieces or recorded speech or incorporates a model of the vocal tract and other human voice characteristics to create a completely synthetic voice.

The more sophisticated ways of disinformation, misinformation, and mal-information are Sock-puppeting, sealioning, astroturfing, and catfishing 

Sock-puppeting is an online identity used to deceive. This term now extends to misleading uses of online identities to praise defend or support a person or organization, to manipulate public opinion, or to circumvent restrictions, suspension or an outright ban from the website. 

Sealioning is a type of trolling or harassment where people are pursued with persistent requests for evidence or repeated questions. 

Astroturfing are masks the sponsors of a message to make it appear as though it comes from grassroots participants. This practice aims to give organizations credibility by withholding information about their motives or financial connections. 

Catfishing is a form of fraud where a person creates a sock-puppet or fake identity to target a particular victim on social media. Catfishing is Common for romance scams on dating websites and May be done for financial gain, to compromise a victim or as a form of trolling or wish fulfillment.

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