Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Blog post# 4 one of the Eight values of free expression

 The first value of free expression is the marketplace of ideas otherwise known as the Discovery of the truth. I think this is true especially with news and legislation that might be passed. A post from Axios shows exactly this when it talks about the Anti Trans bills.

Axios says that the sudden flood of state level efforts to restrict transgender rights is being fueled by many of the Christian and conservative groups that led the charge against Roe V. Wade. 

Axios gets specific naming groups like the Alliance Defending Freedom, the Family Research Council, the Liberty Counsel and the American Principles Project saying these groups are behind a multi million dollar effort targeting LGBTQ rights through "parents' rights" bills. also saying the provided templates and support of the groups for similarly worded bills that seek to ban minors from attending drag shows, prevent trans youth from receiving gender affirming care, and restrict their participation in high school sports.

Axios goes on to say the groups aim to shape policy based on their theological and conservative beliefs around sex, gender and family. They add that many republicans have embraced the agenda, touting a "protect the children" platform for 2024 that targets school policies on gender identity and how racial issues are taught. also saying the vice president of the family research council's policy and government affairs said Christian activists aren't seeking to impose their beliefs on others but they're fighting against beliefs being imposed on them. the vice president goes on to saying that the ideas are presented to their children without their consent and that Americans are reacting to what they are seeing and it's being reflected in some of the laws moving

They lead into the other side of the discussion with critics and civil liberties advocates who say anti-transgender proposals reflect a narrow, religious worldview on gender and other issues while endangering free speech and non-discriminatory education. saying that they want to preserve their vision of a white, Christian America and they're willing to embrace all sorts of anti-democratic means to protect it as said by Robert P. Jones the CEO of Public Religion Research Institute.

They said the legislative proposals came at a time when roughly 8 in 10 Americans believe there's some discrimination against transgender people in our society as found in a 2022 Pew Research center survey and added that the survey found that most Americans favor laws to protect trans people from discrimination. leading into saying the survey gave a clue to why conservative Christians and republicans have focused on high school athletes in many bills saying about 6 in 10 Americans favor requiring transgender athletes to compete on teams that match their sex at birth.

they continue talking getting into the topic of the activist groups' imprint on hundreds of anti-trans bills in legislatures is clear, according to the left-leaning southern poverty law center. saying the groups have provided witnesses, model legislation and legal support to defend any measures that become law, as said by R.G. Cravens. then they talk about the Arkansas state Rep telling their reporter that she worked with three of the main Christian groups to craft a measure allowing anyone who receives gender-affirming care as a minor to file a malpractice lawsuit for up to 15 years adding the fact that the bill passed the Arkansas legislature and became law and was essentially a workaround effort to ban gender-affirming care while a ban the state-imposed is tied up in legal challenges.

this proves the value of discovery of truth true because this information sounds true and even if this information isn't true the truth will eventually be brought to light because of someone will eventually tell everyone the truth of this matter.

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