Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Blog post #8 EOTO presentation

 The things I learned at the EOTO presentation were the invention of the pencil and a little bit about the telegraph there was also emoticons and emojis and the internet and WWW.

The invention of the pencil

what I learned about the invention of the pencil is that the modern day pencil was invented in 1795 by Nicholas Jacques conte. the first pencil company was called banks, son and co. pencils were a better and cheaper alternative for writing. pencils gave the common people the ability to write. having pencils meant people didn't have to use quill pens and in the time before erasers people used wet bread crumbs to erase the graphite. however pencils have a negative impact on the environment. the production of pencils has 8,200 trees cut down and the pencil factories produce a lot of pollution.

The history of the telegraph

what I learned about the history of the telegraph is that there were two types made by 2 different people William cook and Charles Wheatstone made one with 5 magnetic needles that were controlled by electric currents to point to letters and numbers that was used in British railroad signaling. the other was made by Samuel morse which was single circuit that when pushed entirely down by the operator key would complete the circuit. in 1838 morse gained political support. from 1843 - 1844 the telegraph from Washington to Baltimore was built. in 1862 the first transcontinental telegraph was
built. in 1866 the Atlantic ocean had its first permanent telegraph cable placed. in 1874 the quadraplex system of one wire, four messages simultaneously was used. the telegraph allowed for long distance communication, and faster communication. there was also new legislation and economy boosts and job availability because of the telegraph. while the telegraph was great it was later replaced with the Telephone, Radio, Television, and the internet.

The History of emoticons and emojis

what I learned about the history of emoticons and emojis the first emoticon was ;) and after :) was the emoticon used throughout the 60s and 70s. in 1999 Shigetaka Kurita created the first emojis there was competition between emojis in the states. emoji use
continues to grow in our culture. they have become standard in our communication.
they could almost become their own language  and people can communicate whole sentences only using emojis.

The History of the internet and WWW

what I learned about the internet and the World Wide Web it first started with 2 computers exchanging data over low speed dial up line called ARPANET in 1969. the idea of a more widespread version was showed off at ICCC in 1972. the world  wide web went live in 1991 and was released in 1992 this allowed the creation of domains that any computer could visit. in 1995 internet explorer was released.  the first uses for the internet and the world wide web were rapid communication, news, the stock market and digital entertainment. the uses for it now are journalism, news sites, cryptocurrency
instant messaging and email, AI and Machine learning, social media, the dark web, viruses, identity theft, and purposely spreading misinformation. 

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