Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Blog post #6 Anti-war websites

 Have you heard about people being against war in the news or seen anti-war websites while looking for news about war. what I found is information from two websites one called Antiwar.com and another from The American conservative i will focus my information from one blog from each of these websites from the Antiwar website the blog called "Philippines Announces locations of four new US Bases" and the one from the American conservative is called "The Dishonesty of the 'Antiwar' Left"

Philippines Announces Locations of Four New US Bases

The blog talks about how the Philippines Announced the location of four military bases on Monday that the US will have access to under a deal signed by Washington and manila in February. three of the bases will be located in the northern Philippine provinces and that angers China since they can be used as staging grounds for a fight over Taiwan. 

The US will be granted access to the Lal-lo Airport  and the Naval base Camilo Osias  which are located in the northern Cagayan province in the Isabela province. The US will also gain access to Camp Melchor Dela Cruz. 
the US military will be able to expand to Palawan, an island province in the south China sea disputed waters that are a major source of tensions between the US and China the US will also be granted Access to Balabac Island, the southern most Island of Palawan 

The new locations are on top of the five bases the US currently have access to making the total number of bases the US forces can rotate between nine. the expansion in the Philippines is a significant step in the US effort to build up its military assets in the region to prepare for a future war with China. However from this information it seems like doing this will instigate a war with China.

The Dishonesty of the ‘Antiwar’ Left

The blog talks about how some of the leftist thinking progressives should embrace U.S. global dominance as a vehicle for global emancipation. only few figures openly profess it. the theory is all too alive and operative on the mainstream left albeit in unacknowledged fashion. the imperialism as emancipation theory is increasingly believing the otherwise inexplicable absence of any measurable progressive dissent from relentless U.S. escalation in Ukraine and from the way Washington has used the conflict to reassert of most on the left to acknowledge an inconvenient reality that Donald Trump was the most antiwar, anti-imperial U.S president in two generations. the hard-Marxist version is that to much of the world is dominated by feudal, patriarchal, and otherwise backwards social systems. places where for one reason or another capitalist development hasn't made much headway or failed to follow its ordinary course as a result local bourgeoisies are weak and the bourgeois political form liberal democracy has failed to emerge. that's a problem because societies must go through the bourgeois liberal democratic stage before they can achieve more radical egalitarian models.

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