Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Blog post #7 the Age of AI

 I watched a YouTube documentary called In the Age of AI what I learned was Deep learning is a form of artificial intelligence. It mimics the neural networks of the human brain. Artificial intelligence could gather a vast amount of data more than humans could handle. 

In 2017, Xi Jinping (President of China)  announced the government’s bold new plans that China would catch up with U.S. artificial intelligence by 2025 and lead the world by 2030. Kai Fu Lee is the developer computer speech-recognition. Unicorn means a billion-dollar company whose valuation or market capitalization is at $1 billion or higher. Kai Fu Lee also uses Two Unicorns is $5 billion or higher. 

Chinese entrepreneurial companies started as copycats but over the last 15 years, China has developed its own form of entrepreneurship. Cao Xudong is CEO of a new startup called Momenta: self-driving cars. Life in China is largely conducted on Smartphones. I learned that WeChat is an app that’s equivalent to Facebook, Messenger, and PayPal combined into one app. China has more technology users than any other country. Three to Four times more than the U.S. and There are 50 times more mobile payments than the U.S. and 10 times more food deliveries than the U.S. 

With all the data information in China, the deep learning algorithm of the AI can predict the behavior of humans. For example, taking a loan. The app digs up features that would never be apparent to a human loan offer. An example of that would be how confidently someone types their loan application or if they keep their cell phone battery charged. The battery of their phone is related to their delinquency rate. 

Megvii a Chinese technology company was started by three young graduates in 2011.
It is now a world leader in using AI to identify people. It can describe people with what they’re wearing and characteristics  and guess their age. There’s a program in Shenzhen that discourages jaywalking by shaming the offenders in public and getting them instantly fined. 

Critics warn that the government and private companies have been building a nation database from dozens of experimental social-credit programs. The government would integrate all the individuals' behaviors or corporation records into some kind of metric and commute out a set of numbers associated with an individual and use that to implement an incentive or punishment system. 

 According to Alex Rodrigo, self-driving cars would lead to having zero rates of car accidents. As A.I progresses we can find solutions to Climate Change and incurable cancer. 40,000 women die of breast cancer in the U.S alone every year. 

Machines could predict future disease with how pixels are distributed on pictures. The limit of a human driver is 11 hours by federal law. A self-driving car would have no limits. During the 1980s, truck drivers would earn over $100,000 and today they would earn a little over 40,000 a year. 
The standard of living has dropped by 10-15% over 15 years. Offshoring is responsible for 20% of jobs being lost. Most job loss isn’t because of offshoring. The real reason behind most job loss is automation and All races and income classes are affected.

People are at  greater risk of mortality after they lose their job due to automation or offshoring for over 20 years. Children of parents that have lost their job due to automation are more likely to repeat a grade, drop out of school, get suspended from school, and have lower educational attainment over their entire lifetimes. The world is being reimagined There are supermarkets where robots guided by AI to pack items for online consumers. Women hold the jobs that are at the highest risk of automation. The work place of the future will demand different skills and gaining them will depend on who can afford them

Half of Americans can’t afford a 400 dollar unexpected expense and fewer can afford an 1,000 dollar unexpected expense. The new machines will penetrate every sector of the economy. Businesses are looking to make their business more efficient with fewer workers. The top 1% of earners used to own a relatively small portion of America's wealth then 18 years ago that changed to the top 1% of earners having the most amount of America’s wealth.AI will continue to increase the wage gap with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

The future is largely being shaped by a few hugely successful tech companies these companies constantly buy up successful smaller companies and recruiting talent. I also learned about surveillance capitalism. Surveillance capitalism claims private human experience as a free source of raw material fabricated into predictions of human behavior. A lot of businesses that want to know what we will do now, soon, and later
The founders of Google believed that Ads would distort the internet and the purity of any search engine. AI has already spread far into our lives and work. 

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