Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Blog post # 11 second EOTO presentations

 During the EOTO presentations I learned about different Policies, the Media-sphere, and different Theories. the policies I learned about were the Sherman antitrust act, net neutrality, news deserts, cord cutting, and the Restrict act. the parts of the media sphere I learned about are Alternative media and a whistleblower. the theories I learned about are the Illusory truth effect, Confirmation bias, Gatekeeping, Agenda setting, and Spiral of silence..


the Sherman Antitrust Act Outlawed monopolies and conspiracy to be a monopoly. however the same monopolization is happening within the media. Media merges are occurring at a faster pace. 37 years ago there were 50 companies in charge of most American media now 90% of the media is controlled by AT&T, CBS, Comcast, Disney, News Corp, and Viacom. These corporations are known as the big six they essentially act as a media monopoly. Media consolidation is becoming a bigger issue

Net Neutrality is the principle that ISP (Internet Service Providers) should give equal access to content applications data speeds and more without any bias towards specific websites or groups of people. No net neutrality would give us unequal internet. Internet service companies can manipulate our data without net neutrality. There is no guarantee of net neutrality as of now

I didn't get to take many notes on news deserts all I got was that news deserts are A

community that is no longer covered by daily or non daily newspapers

Cord Cutting is when people get rid of their cable or stop paying for it. Getting rid of cable is an example of creative destruction. Creative destruction destroys the age old methods of bringing in scope for development and innovation.

Restrict act's goal is to give the government clear power to ban any app that could threaten Americans’ security/privacy. while this seems good it can be used to take away any app that the government considered a threat to them and say it is a threat to Americans' security/privacy.


Alternative Media is a form of media that operates outside of mainstream media. They aim to be diverse, critical, and independent. Alternative media plays an important role in exposing and challenging mainstream media bias. Alternative media Covers issues ignored by mainstream media.

There is no universal definition for Whistleblower but is referred to an individual without authorization revealing private or classified information about an organization usually related to wrongdoing or misconduct. Whistleblower releases unethical or
unlawful information.


The Illusory Truth Effect is when people hear false information repeatedly and people start to believe it. Our brains are wired to believe what we hear over and over. Commercials also use this method by repeating ads on TV using phrases on repeat to control what we believe in. Social media uses this by sending you posts with the same information.

Confirmation Bias is cherry picking info to serve as evidence to confirm opinions that we already have. Conformation bias is an inherent part of being human and having opinions. When interpreting information we need to be as unbiased as possible.

Gatekeeping Impacts the flow of information. Agenda Setting is the idea that the media has a powerful influence on what the public knows. This affects how people think and engage with the world around them.

Spiral of Silence is a theory based on the idea that people have a natural tendency to seek acceptance and approval from others and that can lead to the suppression of
unpopular opinions. This leads to Fear of social isolation and rejection

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