Thursday, March 16, 2023

Blog post #2 Talk about privacy

 Privacy is  a necessity for everyone and everyone would be angry if that privacy was taken away. so why do people let tech companies give away your privacy Finn Lutzow-holm Myrstad talks about this in his Ted talk he shows an example of a doll that anyone within 60ft could connect to and talks about how there are little laws to protect us and the ones we have aren't being properly enforced.

everyone is affected by this because the stuff you think is private isn't actually private. so you can get more targeted ads or a disgruntled person could share your private info to the public. when things like this happen your jobs and reputation are what's at stake. a Ted talk from Darieth chisolm who was a victim of digital domestic violence AKA revenge porn by her ex boyfriend. she talks about how there is a lack of legislation and laws that protect victims and punish perpetrators and how other victims of this are losing their jobs and reputations because of digital domestic violence.

There are things the government can do. They should make more rules to prevent these things from happening. while their making those rules they should enforce the ones they already have. the government should also make the rules clearer for everyone so there aren't any loopholes that the companies could use or that the perpetrators of digital domestic violence could use to avoid the consequences of their actions.

while the simple answer to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy is to watch what we post on social media, read the terms of service and privacy policy agreements and make decisions based on that, and what we search up on the internet. we can however delete our cache and click a box that when checked deletes your cache when you delete your tabs so there is no search history. 

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