Thursday, March 30, 2023

Blog post #5 The history of video games

 Video games are a popular pastime whether you're playing with family, playing by yourself, or playing online with friends. aside from being a pastime because of YouTube and twitch people make money from playing video games so now its a job too. since there are multiple games and multiple creators for each there will not be just one creator of video games now lets look at the history of video games from history.

In 1952 British Professor A.S. Douglas Created OXO Known as noughts and crosses and more commonly known as tic-tac-toe and while it isn't a video game yet the idea of video games had to have come from games like tic-tac-toe.

in 1958 William Higinbotham created tennis for two on a large analog computer and oscilloscope

in 1962 Steve Russell invented spacewar! for the PDP-1 then a cutting edge computer. it was the first video game that could be played on multiple computer installations

in 1967 sanders associate's developers led by Ralph Baer invented a prototype multiplayer, multi-program video game system that could be played on television known as "The Brown Box"
in 1972 Baer is sometimes referred to as the father of video games. Baer licensed his device to Magnavox which sold the system to consumers as the Odyssey (the first home game console). the odyssey would eventually fizzle and die out.

in 1975 Atari released a home version of pong which was as successful as its arcade counterpart. eventually Magnavox and Sanders Associates sued Atari for copyright Infringment. Atari settled and became an odyssey licensee; over the next 20 years Magnavox won more than 100 million dollars in copyright lawsuits related to the odyssey and its video game patents

in the late 1970s and early 1980s the space invaders arcade game got released in 1978. Activision the first third-party game developer got launched in 1979. pac-man was introduced to the united stated. Nintendo's creation of Donkey Kong introduced the world to Mario. Microsoft released its first Flight Simulator game

1983 brought the video game crash for the north American video game industry due to an oversaturated game console market, competition from computer games and a surplus of over-hyped low-quality games such as E.T. by Atari. the crash led to the bankruptcy of several home computer and video game console companies.

in 1985 the video game industry started to recover when the Nintendo Entertainment System called Famicom in Japan came to the U.S. the NES improved 8-bit graphics, colors, sound and gameplay over the older consoles. Nintendo also imposed various regulations on third-party games developed for its system.

1989 Nintendo made waves by popularizing handheld gaming with the release of the Game Boy. over 25 years Nintendo released a number of successful successors to the Game Boy including the Game Boy color in 1998, the Nintendo DS in 2004, and the Nintendo 3DS in 2011.

Sega released its 16-bit genesis console in north America as a successor to its 1986 Sega Master System which failed to compete against the NES. with superior technology, clever marketing, and the release of sonic the hedgehog in 1991 the genesis made significant headway against its older rival.

the early to mid 1990s had a release of a wealth of popular games on both the NES and the Sega Genesis. Sega created the videogame rating council in  1993 to respond to violent video games. this council starts the industry-wide Entertainment Software Rating Board which is still rating games today.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Blog post #3 Supreme court


After reading an article called Supreme court history from the history website I've learned a couple of things

The supreme court has ultimate jurisdiction over all laws within the United states. The supreme court justices serve until they die or retire. The first assembly of the supreme court was set for February 1st but it got postponed to the 2nd. The highest judicial officer is the chief justice and they are responsible for presiding over the supreme court and setting the agenda for the justices' weekly meetings. if the chief justice is a part of the majority opinion the justice has the opportunity to assign who will write the court's opinion. The chief justice is also required to sit on the board of regents of the Smithsonian institution. 

some important results of supreme court cases were the fact that evidence obtained illegally cannot be used in criminal cases, the striking down of anti-sodomy laws, legalizing same-sex marriage in all 50 states, revoking the governments ability to deny federal benefits to same-sex couples, women having the right to abort a baby during the first two trimesters, etc.

The most important take-away is the supreme court justice oversees the constitutionality of  all laws. The supreme court also checks the actions of the executive and legislative branch. the chief justice presides over trials of impeachment against the president. the important cases that the supreme court were a part of helped change society.  

What's most surprising is that the amount of supreme court justices change and congress is the only one that can do it. What is also surprising is that the president nominates the supreme court justices and that the supreme court justices serve till they retire or die. I also find it surprising that if the chief justice is a part of the majority opinion the justice has the opportunity to assign who will write the court's opinion. While I find it surprising, I don't really understand what the sentence really means.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Blog post #2 Talk about privacy

 Privacy is  a necessity for everyone and everyone would be angry if that privacy was taken away. so why do people let tech companies give away your privacy Finn Lutzow-holm Myrstad talks about this in his Ted talk he shows an example of a doll that anyone within 60ft could connect to and talks about how there are little laws to protect us and the ones we have aren't being properly enforced.

everyone is affected by this because the stuff you think is private isn't actually private. so you can get more targeted ads or a disgruntled person could share your private info to the public. when things like this happen your jobs and reputation are what's at stake. a Ted talk from Darieth chisolm who was a victim of digital domestic violence AKA revenge porn by her ex boyfriend. she talks about how there is a lack of legislation and laws that protect victims and punish perpetrators and how other victims of this are losing their jobs and reputations because of digital domestic violence.

There are things the government can do. They should make more rules to prevent these things from happening. while their making those rules they should enforce the ones they already have. the government should also make the rules clearer for everyone so there aren't any loopholes that the companies could use or that the perpetrators of digital domestic violence could use to avoid the consequences of their actions.

while the simple answer to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy is to watch what we post on social media, read the terms of service and privacy policy agreements and make decisions based on that, and what we search up on the internet. we can however delete our cache and click a box that when checked deletes your cache when you delete your tabs so there is no search history. 

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Blog post #1 My 5 News Sources

 I don't pay attention to the news or look at the news but the sources I come across news are TikTok and word of ear from people in my family.

TikTok is a social media app that I've started using for a year and while I go on there to laugh. I also find information about what one of the most popular issue with the America or people being angry because minimum wage is low and that plus the place that they work at makes people not wanna work. most of the new I see is reactions and I rarely remember the accounts that I saw them from. one i can remember is someone talking about how there was a new trend called quiet quitting which when I heard it, it sounded weird because the definition was doing as much as needed of the job and nothing more. 

while I don't really look for public and national news I do visit the account JesseCoxTiktoks for game news which doesn't hold much interest of people that aren't into the drama of video game companies. what I learned from that account is that bungie won a 4.4 million dollar lawsuit against aim junkies. 10 gamers using the clayton antitrust act of 1914 to sue Microsoft over the merger between Activision Blizzard  

Word of ear from my family is just me listening to the stuff my family talks about when we come together to spend time with each other.  

Blog post# 12 people's relationship with technoloy

 People and technology have an interesting relationship some parts of it are good and some parts are bad. I will be talking about three YouT...