Sunday, March 24, 2024

Blog post# 12 people's relationship with technoloy

 People and technology have an interesting relationship some parts of it are good and some parts are bad. I will be talking about three YouTube videos the video names are NY World's Fair Futurama ride, Mad world remix of the Moby video Are you lost in the world like me, and MAN. these videos each talk about the relationship of man and technology. from the YouTube video man it shows how people affect the environment.

 in the video the man that is followed kills a bug that was just there and looks happy that he did. Then he sees two snakes and turs them into boots. this man then fills a chicken with dangerous chemicals, covers it in batter and uses it as a basketball before deep-frying it to make fried chicken. he throws the chicken away without finishing it when he sees a lamb. then he cuts the legs of the lamb off and eats them. while doing that he shaves a sheep. then he shoots some birds out of the sky. he beats a seal and turns it's skin into a coat. Then turns an elephant into a piano and plays the piano. he then gets on a ship and starts dumping chemicals and plastic into the ocean. when he's done he starts catching large numbers of fish. when he gets back on land he Leaves a dead whale on the beach. 

when he starts entering a forest he Kills moles that pop out of the ground. when he come across a pair of bears he Kills the bigger for sport and mounted their heads on a plaque and even poses for a picture with the mounted head. he then captures the baby bear and forced them to dance and entertain him. he Steps on a tiger making it a rug. Then he turns trees into paper seemingly like magic. while still on his journey he Constructs cities, helicopters, roads, cars, and highways. he then moves into a factory which Automated of the Mass killing of animals. while walking through the slaughter of cows and pigs. he walks into a science facility and starts animal experimentation for products. lastly he walks up a mountain of waste and "broken" items surrounded by Mountains of the same thing and Factories that constantly pollute the air and when he gets to the top he enjoys himself for a bit before sitting on a throne on top of the waste.

The video MAN shows how humans have affected the world and how the world will look if we continue to do the same things without trying to help the environment. we're already making progress on the mountains of waste with the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. this website talks about how the Garbage patch is a collection of marine debris in the North Pacific ocean. marine debris being all the litter that's thrown in oceans, seas, and other large bodies of water.

The next video I'm gonna talk about is the Mad world remix of the Moby video Are you lost in the world like me. 

This video is shows a man in crowds of people and his experience with people and phones. the video starts with the person we're following in a crowd in a big city and shows People stuck in their phones and they don’t realize what’s happening outside of their phones because people are falling in manholes and no one stops they just continue falling one after the other. people aren't aware of there surroundings and could be bumping into people or making others bump into people. People only record the bad things happening but don’t do anything about it shown with police brutality happening and no one trying to help the person being assaulted by the police. 

A family is shown not talk at the table but are instead looking at their phones. A lady takes a picture in front of a burning build while someone is falling out of the building and the lady is only focused on her picture. Then while A lady getting harassed on a train and people don't do anything because they are all staring at their phones. then there are people that only show what they want people to see while hiding what they don't want you to see. people are trapped in their phones and take pictures of their food while animals are brought to slaughter houses. people standing with mountains of computers and appliances. 

Then there are people bowing to a person that has had tons of plastic surgery and people advertising it as ideal. People posting pictures after giving birth and letting their baby wander around. people using dating apps to avoid people they see as disgusting. a lady being made fun of for dancing and try to have fun. when the lady commits suicide people don’t help but instead they recorded the aftermath. lastly people walking off a cliff only paying attention to his phone.  

Blog post# 12 people's relationship with technoloy

 People and technology have an interesting relationship some parts of it are good and some parts are bad. I will be talking about three YouT...